

To restore your damaged teeth

Restorative dentistry includes everything that can be called dental restoration (which is commonly known as a “filling”). A dental restoration may be necessary if your teeth are damaged for one of the following reasons: caries, fracture and wear from various causes.


Extremely functional, natural-looking implants

Discover the ultimate solution for missing
teeth with our dental implants, restoring your chewing efficiency and protecting natural teeth. Begin with a free consultation and see your smile transform with a crown or bridge in just four months.


Restore the look of your natural teeth

Fixed partial dentures encompass all forms of crowns and bridges. A crown is a single porcelain or metal tooth designed in a laboratory and cemented onto a prepared natural tooth. A bridge combines several crowns to replace one or more missing teeth; the crowns replacing missing teeth are held in place by crowns attached to natural teeth.


Replace your missing teeth. Implant-supported dentures

Removable partial or complete dentures are usually the most economical solution for replacing multiple missing teeth. Thanks to our removable partial and complete denture services, we can help you restore proper function, comfort and esthetics.
Beautiful female smile with a white teeth


Get the smile you’ve always dreamed of

Embrace the power of a beautiful smile with our cosmetic dentistry services, focusing on conservative, often reversible procedures to perfect your teeth’s position, shape and color.


Care for the bones and gums that support your teeth

Our clinic offers periodontic services such as gum surgery, bone grafts, and periodontal maintenance, tailored to both treat gum disease and prevent tooth loss. Bleeding gums can be an early indication of gum disease.

Periodontal Services. Closeup Shot Of Smiling Man Getting Treatment In Stomatologic Clinic


Fast service for your dental emergencies

Experience counts in oral surgery, and with
33 years in the field, we offer:

– Wisdom teeth removal
– Residual roots extraction
– Fractured or mobile teeth extraction
– Soft tissue and bone defects surgeries
– Ridge re-contouring

Boy looks at a special tool for tooth extraction


Give your tooth a second chance

Trauma to a tooth or a deep carie can cause an inflammatory reaction of the pulp (commonly called the “nerve”). If the inflammation cannot be eased, the canal that contains the nerve and blood vessels of the tooth must be cleaned and treated to stop the inflammation process. This is called a root canal treatment.



Unveil a dazzling smile!

Brighten your smile safely and enjoy results for years with our teeth whitening options:

   -Chairside professional bleaching
   -Take-home kits with customized trays

Dental Emergencies

Our clinic is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, ensuring prompt and effective care for your urgent dental needs:

– Pain caused by trauma or infection
– Loss of filling
– Fractured teeth
– Aesthetic emergency
– Broken orthodontic wire (splint)
– Mobile teeth

We are also available to discuss and manage any dental emergencies that may not be listed

Different dental instruments, on the blurred background dentist is treating patient in dental clinic

We accept most dental plans

Our team is trained to process claims and submit estimates to your insurance company.